Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Gallows is going...

My dear hubby made this for me for my Western scene that I really have not had time to complete. Now with several other projects going, I decided to sell the beaut!
It's really sad to part with minis but, Hubby will make me another. Infact, he's really very talented in making some fab little goodies and, I might just have to put him in business in the mini world!
Goodbye for now sweet Gallows! I love you, and you'll be loved in your new home as well!
If anyone is interested in their own Gallows, let me know!


  1. That's fantastic! Lucky you to have a hubby who will make you mini goodies!

  2. Hi Marsha!
    I know, he's sweet! He likes making fun stuff. He's going to start to make me an electric chair and a stockade too!
    I can't wait!
